Sunday, March 4, 2012


Wow it has been such a long time since I logged onto here last! Well school and Ariana have kept me busy, but let me update all you dying to know fans that I have out there :). Well to start we found out that baby Jenkins is a baby BOY Jenkins! Dominic Larry Jenkins is due to arrive July 19, and I cant wait! School has been going good, and I really enjoy being in the same English class as Matt... It just makes things more enjoyable for me :). Matt and I got my dad's truck today... Which was emotional for me, but I got through it and am doing much better... Ariana is now 20 months old! Can you people believe it!?!? 31 inches tall and almost 20 pounds of pure terrible twos! hahaha well maybe not PURE terrible twos but def. has an attitude going on! But she's cute so we keep her around ;) Hrm... I know this is a short and random blog but Im tired tonight haha and I got tagged in Amanda's post so I wanted to come on and answer the questions (without delaying like she did(: )

1. You must post these rules
2. Post a photo of yourself & 11 random bits of information about yourself
3. Answer the questions that the tagger set for you in his/her post
4. Create 11 new questions & tag people to answer them
5. Let the people know you've tagged them!


1. I sucked my thumb up until I turned 21... Weird I know, but Matt use to think it was cute :)
2. I shave my arms.. haha... As an LMT, people dont always like the feeling of hair against their body while I give them a massage... At least this way people dont get grossed out and I get a bigger tip sometimes
3. I love Disney movies! I put them on the TV and say they are for Ariana, but they are really for me.. haha and I sing along with all the songs... outloud... and dance.. when I am alone
4. Up until I met Matt, I had frequent nightmares and night terrors... But I havent in a long time.. I guess I just feel safe when I am around him :) <3
5. So I dont think this is weird but Matt does, I sit down when I take a shower.... does anyone else find this odd? It's just comfortable!
6. I snore... Thats right I'll admit it.. I SNORE... LOUD....
7. I hate spending money on myself.. but LOVE spending it on other people.... Just seeing them happy makes me feel happy...
8. I could eat sushi everyday for lunch and supper... its my favorite
9. I chew my fingernails to the bleeding point.. Nervous habit..
10. I have a clipping of Emu feathers from Australia that I keep in a brochure in my room
11. I love taking pictures.. not of myself but of other things and other people.. I like abstract photography and black and white baby pictures :)

1. Biggest guilty pleasure food: Nutella.. hahahaha... I could eat an entire jar of it and then go out and buy another one! We have some in the cupboard downstairs that I occasionally take spoonfuls out of when no one is looking..

2. Embarrassing moment from high school: The only one that comes to mind right away is when I was getting of the bus at a friends house ( I had an UBER crush on her brother) and while he was getting off the bus behind me, I slipped on some ice and fell down the bus stairs... and then tried to get up and fell down again... I think I turned 12 different shades of red

3. Top 3 places you'd like to travel: I would love to go to Italy, Brazil, and India! I think the food there would be amazing!

4. Thing that annoys you most on Facebook: I hate when people change their relationship status more then they change their socks... One minute they are dating this person, then a minute later its a new person, then they are single and just want to figure life out then they are with someone new... Good God just stop...

5. Best birthday of your life: I would have to say the last one I had, even thought I dont think we really even did anything for it. It was the last birthday that I got to spend with my dad.

So I am going to tag Shelly to answer the questions and since she doesnt have a blog, Im thinking she could start it on facebook!!

Friday, December 23, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

So I decided that this post was going to be more of a picture post... Today Ariana, Matt and I were playing with the camera and so I thought I would share the photos that we took! Hope you all enjoy them!! 

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Crazy little thing called love

So I thought I would start a blog... I have a feeling this is going to be interesting... Well for those of you who may actually read this, a good place to start would be at the beginning....

A little history about me first.. My name is Lisa (Parent) Jenkins.. I was born on October 9 and have lived in Northern Maine for most of my life... I graduated from Community High School in 2006, Community Care College in 2010, Loring Job Corps in 2011 and hopefully in the next two years will graduate from Northern Maine Community College. I am a Licensed Massage Therapist, a Certified Nurses Assistant, and Personal Support Specialist and hopefully soon a Registered Nurse. I am the mother of a hyper 18 month old girl named Ariana and am currently pregnant with my second child. I am the wife of a Mr. Matthew Jenkins <3. A wonderful man that I want to spend the rest of my life with. At the moment Matt and I live with my in-laws (while we attend school) and they watch Ariana for us. If you are a close friend of mine then you already know about Daytona and Joey.. but for those of you who may not know who they are... they are my cats... my very large, loveable cats who live with my mother in a small town here in Maine... I think these cats are the reason why my friends use to come to my apartment.. Everyone loves them haha...

So back to me...... I plan to use this blog to keep family and friends updated on current "Jenkins Journeys"  including how Matt and I are doing, what Ariana is up to now and how this pregnancy turns out... For those just tuning in, my first pregnancy (Ariana) turned out to be one complicated mess which resulted in her birth 3 months early... That is why this pregnancy is going to be very closely monitored but fear not! I will keep you all updated!!

So now onto Ariana... What a character she is! She is now walking, and kinda talking haha... She is definitely the life of the party and there really is never a dull moment (unless she is napping).  This is her second Christmas and she has already discovered how to open her presents and how to say thank you. She has also learned how to torment the cat by laying down completely on her....She is normally a very happy little girl but lately has hit a cranky spell (most likely from teething)... and she is going through the "mommy separation anxiety" stage, which means that mommy can not walk out of the room without Ariana throwing a fit.. haha.. but shes cute anyway...

So at last we reach Matthew.... Oh Matthew.. what to say about you? Well he has successfully completed his first semester of college while maintaining a 3.5GPA. Which I am very happy and proud of. You see during Matt's first semester at college he had a lot on his plate. He was going to school full time, working part time, trying to raise a family and try to help me deal with my father. My father for those who dont know was diagnosed with cancer in September 2010 and died on Matt's birthday in October (my dad always did have bad timing). So Matthew had to pick up more items and put them on his plate because once my dad died, I lost it.. I still lose it...But Matt was there to try to pick up the pieces of my newly shattered life.. And I must say, he did an amazing job... No one knows how to deal with death... Its a touchy subject for most but Matt stepped up and did what he had to do, from missing class to drive to Togus to see my father the day we learned his cancer was stage 4, to holding onto me while I held my father's hand at the moment of his passing.. He was there through it all.. and still managed to at least pretend to hold it together.

Christmas is going to be hard without my dad.... He was a pretty cool guy... Always had some funny stories to share, would give you advice (even f you didnt want it), would try to help you in whatever way he could... He was a little rough around the edges but thats what made him, him... I miss him dearly but I know that he is in a better place and that he gets to spend Christmas with Jesus this year.

Well, I should wrap this up for tonight, but thanks for reading the first post in Jenkins Journey! Good night!!